mardi 18 août 2009

Magic Tuesday : Julian Varas From Chile

This tuesday I want to dedicate this post to my friend Julian from Chile whom I had the chance to meet at the Cariatides a month ago. We had the chance to go for Street magic sessions in Paris and at the River's King Péniche on the Seine.

Julian has been studiing in a medical school for seven years and is taking some vacations to do a tour of Europe before he chooses his specialization for next year. We have met because we found out that we had the same objectives as magicians : to entertain and have fun with people. The view, techniques and ease he had on magic from his culture and experience was really amazing.

You can find some more pictures on his website (where you can to watch his intro video in 3D) and also : 1st night - 2nd night @ The Cariatides

And here is a video that he made where he, Sydney, Ramsès and I perform some tricks there. Enjoy !

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

tu commences vraiment à maitriser.

C'est ou les magic session, j'en profiterai pour te rendre ton chequier.


Andrés Bucchi a dit…

Très bien Julián!!!!