lundi 17 août 2009

Magic and Advertising : VolksWagen

VolksWagen continue their support of Independent Cinemas. Ad agency DDB worked with Moxie Pictures and director Seth Gordon (King of Kong) to find three stories that testify the power of film. Here is one of them where a young magician tells you why magic IS everywhere and how he sees in his daily life.

I had already posted 3 commercials before from Samsung that makes Internet magic ads that are clearly clever and using all the materials and the interaction that you can have on internet in order to deliver their message.
You can watch one here and two other here.

It is really cool to see that magic is spreading and that more people get interested in this kind of art. It is getting mainstream and the community is becoming larger and larger everyday. In the previous commercials, you will see that there are really a lot of different Magic : XCM, Close up, Stage, Street Magic.
That is why magic has been popularized, because it can be done anywhere with anything. You just have to come up with it and make it happen...

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