jeudi 4 novembre 2010

Our Senses Fool Our Brain

Is seeing believing ? Is touching believing ? Is hearing believing ?
Can we trust everything our body and mind interact with everyday or is it our brain playing tricks on us to make us believe what we want to believe ?
I have been asking myself this question for a while and there is no straight answer.
On the other hand, the documentaries made by the BBC are always great and attempt at giving straight answers about new understandings and experiences.
Here are some examples to start giving you a new angle on simple tricks our brain can play us. Let us understand how we 'function' to better interact with one another. Have fun !

1 commentaire:

Rose-Anne Turunen a dit…

C'est l'étude de la plasticité synaptique qui m'intéresse le plus en ce moment ... Brain Training. Très cool :)