jeudi 3 juin 2010

Nuclear Flashmob

Lost, one of the best TV Show ended up this year and it was maybe not the best but one of a generation with loads of different theories and fans. It was also the end of 24 with Jack Bauer with the 8th season, what a hero !

Fortunately for us, TV will provide for the coming years (who wondered ?) and a new TV show called Flash Forward has been broadcasted since September. The first season has ended with its 23rd episode only a couple weeks ago.

Flash Forward is a new concept of a global black out where everybody will see THEIR future 6 months from the event. After that then starts the investigation to understand what caused the black out, what happened during these 2min17s and what people have seen ... Here is the trailer !

Re-using the idea of the black out, a Swiss website has organized a massive flashmob to shock and increase global awareness about nuclear powerplants and the few zones around them where you would be taking care of in case of an emergency.
The video is shocking and people in the street strongly react to the event. It is scary and makes me think twice indeed. What a success !

1 commentaire:

Funnyverse a dit…

I wanna know ... Still havnt watched LOST yet, I can't do it :-(