jeudi 18 février 2010

Dexter Feels Magic In The Air

"What you see is what you get"
OK, I bet you all watch a lot of series and let's agree that a serie that has been going on for 4 years and that, finishes at the end of each season and keeps being that good can just NOT be ignored. The pitch : Dexter lives in Miami, he is a forensic police agent and also a serial killer. He chases down people that have not been punished by the justice and makes justice for himself to ease his hunger for blood. But can he remain un-noticed and how can he manage to have a normal life ?

If you already love it or you have never seen an episode, Showtime has released an animated webisode series on its website to follow the serial killer evolving through new adventures : Dexter Early Cuts. Here is the one where Dexter meets a magician and his assistant Cindy Landon ("She is still in one piece ! But not for long ...") :

"Let me assure you, there is no secret compartment."

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