"Lie to Me", a new TV show, is broadcasted every week on FOX since January 2009.
10 episodes are already out and you may wanna watch them if you want to learn about controlling yourself, reading other's biofeedbacks and noticing if someone is lying to you.
And as you may have already heard : "Everybody lies" - Dr. Gregory House.

The pitch :
Human lie detector, Dr. Cal Lightman, uses his impeccable ability to decipher speech and body language to help solve criminal and private investigations. His techniques are based on the original work done by Dr. Paul Ekman in the 1950's.
Dr. Paul Ekman studied the 43 facial muscles that can create 10,000 expressions also called micro-expressions. He found seven universal emotions with unique facial expression.
The emotions are : anger, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, surprise, and contempt. At least five of these are shared with non-human primates as well. Even more interesting : according to his research, feelings and facial expressions influence each other. This is, not only a sad person will naturally look sad, but a person who intentionally smiles will feel more happy than a person who doesn't (Source :http://www.sharpbrains.com/blog/)
How will you be able to look or talk to someone the same way after this ?
2 commentaires:
Tu as ça quelque part sur ton DD ou je fais un tour dans la baie des pirates ? :)
Ce sera plus facile si tu le fais, sinon on fait ça avec dropbox la semaine prochaine.
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